2 × 154 MW SIEMENS V94.2 Gas Turbines and 1 × 182 MW ST-1 Steam Turbine Minor Maintenance Studies (GT combustion chamber control, opening of steam turbine bearings and other minor maintenance work under supervision of Siemens,
Technical workforce support for the works within the scope of Trakya Elektrik,
Dismantling, assembling and realizing coupling settings of the boiler feed water pumps electrical actuators (WESTINGHOUSE) in the CT-1A (11) and CT-1B (12) units,
Coupling adjustment controls of BOP pumps in the field and comparison with the old data,
Dismantling of valves on HP drums of both boilers, periodical maintenance and reassembly of them in workshop,
Realization of all surface preparation processes for replica and hardness measurements on main steam lines of both boilers,
Detailed cleaning of air intake filter modules and the air intake system lower part,
In the facilities of 478MW Trakya Elektrik Üretim
A.Ş., minor maintenance works were completed under the supervision of Trakya Elektrik and Siemens.